Let me star off by saying, I do not like to call people homeless when I discuss this project. Homeless has a very negative connotation to it. Many of my own friends and family, assume incorrect things about the homeless. It is sad, people think of homeless people like they do stray dogs or trash on the side walk. When I created my project for myself, it did cross my mind that I would technically be homeless. Once I give up my place and move in to an RV to start this project I will be homeless in a normal definition of it.
As I started to do the research for my own reasons, I realized that this will benefit others as well, I needed to detail out every aspect of the project and create a whole program, actually I am creating an entire nomadic community that will go out into our great country and find a new purpose. Obviously my project will not fix the homeless crisis but it can give purpose to many of the people living on the streets, the response I was getting told me it was time to create this program that could create a community of well trained people to crisscross the country and eventually they will settle in to a new community.
The most exciting aspect is the “Life Skills” training that each community member will receive while the RV is being Rehab’d (and that is another exciting section for a later post)
These skills will be taught to the participants free of charge while they are being housed during the RV Rehab time. Participants will be required to participate. In no particular order, here is a brief list with summary. Classes will be taught by various specialists and partners.
- Basics to RV Maintenance, includes changing tires, checking fluids, changing fluids. How to call for road side assistance (using our partner)
- Reading Maps and the importance of knowing how to navigate with a paper map and compass when technology is void. This session will also include how to use GPS.
- CPR/First Aid/AED 2 year certificate course (Red Cross or similar)
- HAM radio technician certificate (free classes, $15 test fee, $25 study book optional, $30 radios)
- Plant Identification (Gary Golding or similar)
- Survival Skills (Gary Golding or similar)
- Fishing basics, tackle, rules, licenses bait, gutting, scaling, cooking (community donations or sponsor like sporting good store.)
- CERT Training (LAFD or similar)
- Anger Management/conflict resolution (Mary Baker or similar)
- “In the kitchen” includes SASE food handler certificate (stocking their RV pantry with what they make)
- 3 ingredient no kneed bread
- canning
- jamming
- fermenting
- dehydrating
- sugar and oil alternatives
- slow cooker – Ezekiel stew recipe
- Using the solar panel system (RVs will be upgraded with solar panels and battery array)
- Vocabulary for gardens (rows, permaculture, compost, etc)
- Yoga (create a daily routine)
- Meditation (create a daily routine)
- Mantra (create a mantra)
- Technology – using today’s technology for those unfamiliar with email, social media and mobile app use. We will upload the mobile app to their smart devices and save the web site to their bookmark page on any device browsers.
- Using the composting toilet system – RV toilets will be converted, this class will cover how to operate and maintain the composting toilet and how to keep sanitary and healthy.
- Hydroponics – Overview and hand out and reference sites in app
- What it is
- How to read the instructions
- Fertilizer and order of application
- Maintenance
- Aquaponics – Overview and possible assembly at partner location.
- What it is, general overview.
- Understanding fish, water, food filtration
- Maintenance
The goal is to have a a toolbox of skills to use while on the road and to bring in as an asset to any community across the country. All of the classes will be taught by volunteers for free, or if there is fee, that fee will be covered by community sponsors. Each person in the RV will have a CPR, CERT and Food handler certificate upon completion of the Life Skills section of the program, as well as a plethora of online data to use as reference material on all other topics.
Building community, where every-body is an asset!